Purpose of the course
Admission requirements
Course outcomes and assessment criteria
Study Unit |
Outcomes |
Assessment Criteria |
After completion of this course, participants will: | Participant will be assessed on the following criteria: | |
MODULE 1 : LEAD AND INFLUENCE THE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENT At the end of the learning cycle, the learners will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- Promotional - Influencing - Persuasion
1. Lead and manage the supply chain management environment. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Evaluate the fundamental differences between leadership and Management critically to determine their impact on the supply chain management environment. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Assess the behavioral traits of successful leaders critically to determine their impact on the supply chain management environment. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Develop a range of leadership styles and judgments are made on when best to use each. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Evaluate strategic leadership approaches critically in terms of business influences. |
2. Lead and influence the supply chain. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Utilise models of influence to try to influence people in the supply chain. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Assess the different sources of power critically to determine legitimacy and acceptability when leading and influencing areas of the supply chain. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Execute leading and influencing activities through the utilisation of specific strategies. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Develop a range of tactics and definitions to effectively influence the supply chain. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Assess critically the outcomes of attempts to influence the supply chain to determine the impact. |
3. Develop a culture of productivity through people. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Clarify the need for people to work effectively in terms of the benefits to individuals and to work-based teams. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Develop a consensus on how to work together in order to identify potentials for pitfalls and conflicts within the team. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Evaluate diversity issues critically to determine how they relate to the success of people and propose approaches to managing them. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Determine ways of developing and motivating people in order to try to increase their productivity and effectiveness. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Plan team time effectively to include scheduling, justifying resources, deadlines and delivery dates. |
4. Lead Change in the Supply Chain. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Develop an innovative vision, values, and culture for the future. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Evaluate critically a range of different models of change management to consider the implications of implementing the purchasing function. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Develop an appropriate style for leading and managing the strategic change process that will encourage stakeholders to welcome and embrace change within the purchasing function. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Set justifiable objectives for change and prioritise strategies for achieving them. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Determine resource requirements for the implementation of change within the purchasing function. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 6 Delegate responsibility for the effective implementation of change. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 7 Utilise forcefield analysis is to identify forces and barriers to change and determine what needs to be done to develop and assist change. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 8 Negotiate difficult leadership and management situations effectively in order to resolve the problem. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 9 Monitor and control the impact of the change process on the supply chain performance to determine its effectiveness. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 10 Manage continuity of performance while implementing change in order to maintain a business as usual approach for managing supply. |
MODULE 2 APPLY KNOWLEDGE OF FINANCE, ACCOUNTANCY, BOOKKEEPING AND TAX TO A SPECIFIC SMALL BUSINESS (SMALL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT) At the end of the learning cycle, the learners will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- Liquidity - Profitability - Stock turnover rate
1. Demonstrate an understanding of key finance concepts applicable to financing a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Identify and explain the sources of finance within the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Classify and state with examples the factors affecting the choice of sources of finance. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Find and clarify the uses of funds within the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Demonstrate knowledge of the use and layout of a balance sheet in the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Understand the concept of 'working capital' and take measures to control the amount needed in a business in the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 6 Understand and explain with examples the purpose of cash flow forecasts and statements from a specific small business. |
2. Demonstrate an understanding of bookkeeping concepts for keeping the books of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Define bookkeeping and explain the purposes and importance of keeping accounts in the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Comprehend and expound with examples basic bookkeeping entries in various account types. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Clarify and demonstrate the entries into, and balancing of, cash and analysis books are in the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Demonstrate a basic awareness of computer-based accounting systems in the context of their use in a specific small business. |
3. Demonstrate an understanding of key accounting records used in the financial management of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Know and describe with examples concepts relating to and the determination of profit and loss in an accounting system is. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Apprehend and demonstrate the concepts and process of budgeting, types of budgets, their importance and use in financial forecasting in the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Identify and explain with examples financial calculations used to interpret accounting information from a specific small business. |
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the tax system applicable to a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Understand and explain taxes and the tax system, in broad terms. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Comprehend and clarify The Value Added Tax (VAT) system and its workings. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Identify and describe the records required for VAT purposes. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Complete and submit VAT returns to the tax authority. |
MODULE 3 : APPLY BASIC HUMAN RESOURCES PRACTICES At the end of the learning cycle, the learners will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
1. Understand legislative requirements. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Clarify the Skills Development Act in terms of its applicability to the organisation. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Explain Employment Equity Act in terms of its applicability to the organisation. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Describe Labour Relations Act in terms of its applicability to the organisation. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Identify and explain other specific Acts pertaining to the SMME directly in terms of their applicability to the organisation. |
2. Manage the careers of service staff. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Conduct formal appraisals of the individual's role at organisational and client level. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Evaluate client feedback and perceptions of delivery during a face-face appraisal process. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Monitor project progress to determine achievement of individual and team objectives and deliverables. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Undertake individual career management planning at both organisational and client project level. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Carry out quality assurance activities for individual and team outputs and progress. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 6 Provide structured feedback to individuals relating to appraisal and monitoring results. |
3. Develop professional teams. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Determine training and development needs from appraisal results and on-going monitoring of team and individual projects. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Manage client's employees, seconded to consulting projects, through monitoring, feedback and training activities. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Provide mentoring and guidance to individuals and teams in line with identified needs. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Take into account behavioral traits of individuals within teams when determining and planning development interventions. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Motivate individuals and teams utilising accepted motivational techniques. |
4. Meet people requirements. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Demonstrate knowledge of individual competencies and behavioral traits by using examples of observed behavior to illustrate points made. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Match teams according to experience, individual competence and behavioral traits to meet client requirements. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Monitor and manage relationships on an on-going basis. |
MODULE 4 : PREPARE BUDGETS FOR A SPECIFIC SECTOR At the end of the learning cycle, the learners will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
1. Interpret budgets within a specific sector. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Explain with examples budgetary concepts. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Describe with examples the role of a budget in a specific sector. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Clarify the principles of budgeting in terms of their application. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Discuss the components of a budget within a specific sector as required by legislation. |
2. Evaluate budget formats and approaches to budgeting. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Differentiate a range of budget formats in terms of their application in specific sectors. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Evaluate budgets formats in terms of their advantages and disadvantages. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Distinguish different approaches to preparing budgets in terms of their functions and roles. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Explain with examples advantages and disadvantages of each of the approaches. |
3. Manage data for preparing a budget. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Access data according to budgetary requirements and plan of action. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Compile information for a budget utilising policy, strategic and operational plans. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Analyse data required for budget preparation in terms of suitability, accuracy, verification, and comparability of data sources. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Interpret and analyse Circulars and memoranda in terms of budgetary implications and requirements. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Conduct classification of budget data using relevant tools. |
4. Estimate budget using prescribed formats. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Estimate an annual budget utilising appropriate approaches. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Present an annual budget in line with prescribed formats. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Calculate estimates of cash for each month of the financial year. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Conduct reconciliation's between annual budget estimates and cash flow estimate. |
5. Prepare motivation for budgetary requests. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Identify and explain recipients of budgetary requests in terms of their role and motivation. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Prepare budgetary request motivations in line with guidelines and direct to appropriate stakeholders. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Present motivations to appropriate individuals. |
6. Prepare budget based on approved amounts. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Prepare and communicate notification of budgetary request to role-players |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Conduct actions and steps to finalise budget allocation. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Prepare and finalise a budget in accordance with organisation practice and policy. |
Examination/ Case studies
Class tests/Group projects/Individual or group assignments