Purpose of the course
Admission requirements
Course outcomes and assessment criteria
Study Unit |
Outcomes |
Assessment Criteria |
After completion of this course, participants will: | Participant will be assessed on the following criteria: | |
MODULE 1 (US: 12995) MAINTAIN FINANCIAL RECORDS AND PREPARE GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTS At the end of the learning cycle, the learners will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
1. Maintain records relating to capital acquisition and disposal. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Enter relevant details relating to capital expenditure correctly in the appropriate records. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Confirm that the organisation's records agree with the physical presence of capital items. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Identify and record all acquisition and disposal costs and revenues correctly in the appropriate records. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Calculate and record correctly depreciation charges and other necessary entries and adjustments in the appropriate records, where applicable. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Confirm that the records clearly show the prior authority for capital expenditure and disposal, and indicate the approved method of funding and disposal. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 6 Calculate and record correctly profit and loss on disposal in the appropriate records. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 7 Adhere to the organisations' policies, regulations, procedures and timescales relating to the maintenance of capital records |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 8 Identify lack of agreement between physical items and records and then either resolved or referred to the appropriate person. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 9 Make suggestions for improvement in the way the organisation maintains its capital records to the appropriate person, where possible. |
2. Record income and expenditure. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Clarify and record all income and expenditure correctly in the appropriate records. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Identify correctly relevant accrued and prepaid income and expenditure and make adjustments in line with organisational policy. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Observe the organisations' policies, regulations, procedures and timescales in relation to recording income and expenditure are. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Find incomplete data and either resolved to referred to the appropriate person. |
3. Collect and collate information for the preparation of general ledger accounts. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Prepare relevant accounts and reconciliations correctly to allow for the preparation of final accounts. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Identify, obtain and record all relevant information is correctly in the appropriate records. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Conduct investigations into business transactions with tact and courtesy. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Observe the organisations' policies, regulations, procedures and timescales relating to the preparation of final accounts. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Identify discrepancies and unusual features and either resolved or referred to the appropriate person. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 6 Prepare the trial balance accurately and, where necessary, a suspense account is opened and reconciled. |
4. Prepare the extended trial balance. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Enter totals from the general ledger or other records correctly on the extended trial balance. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Classify, traced and referred material errors disclosed by the trial balance to the appropriate authority. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Enter any adjustments not dealt with in the ledger accounts accurately on the extended trial balance. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Prepare an agreed valuation of closing stock on the extended trial balance. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Observe the organisations' policies, regulations, procedures and timescales in relation to preparing extended trial balances. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 6 Detect discrepancies, unusual features or queries and either resolved or referred to the appropriate person. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 7 Extend, total, and present the extended trial balance in the required format. |
MODULE 2 (US: 336055) APPLY KNOWLEDGE OF FINANCE, ACCOUNTANCY, BOOKKEEPING AND TAX TO A SPECIFIC SMALL BUSINESS At the end of the learning cycle, the learners will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- Liquidity - Profitability - Stock turnover rate
1. Demonstrate an understanding of key finance concepts applicable to financing a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Identify and explain the sources of finance within the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Classify and state with examples the factors affecting the choice of sources of finance. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Find and clarify The uses of funds within the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Demonstrate knowledge of the use and layout of a balance sheet in the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Define the concept of 'working capital' and take measures to control the amount needed in a business in the context of a specific small business |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 6 Explain with examples the purpose of cash flow forecasts and statements from a specific small business. |
2. Demonstrate an understanding of bookkeeping concepts for keeping the books of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Define bookkeeping and explain the purposes and importance of keeping accounts in the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Expound with examples basic bookkeeping entries in various account types |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Clarify and demonstrate the entries into, and balancing of, cash and analysis books are in the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Demonstrate a basic awareness of computer-based accounting systems in the context of their use in a specific small business. |
3. Demonstrate an understanding of key accounting records used in the financial management of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Describe with examples concepts relating to and the determination of profit and loss in an accounting system is. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Demonstrate the concepts and process of budgeting, types of budgets, their importance and use in financial forecasting in the context of a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Identify and explain with examples financial calculations used to interpret accounting information from a specific small business. |
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the tax system applicable to a specific small business. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Explain taxes and the tax system, in broad terms |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Clarify the Value Added Tax (VAT) system and its workings. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Identify and describe the records required for VAT purposes. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Complete and submit VAT returns to the tax authority. |
MODULE 3 (US 243265): MANAGE ASSETS OF A BUSINESS UNIT At the end of the learning cycle, the learners will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- The strategic value of assets in the organisation or business. - The optimisation of assets. - Techniques and procedures for analysing management accounts. |
1. Review the current status and condition of the assets of the business unit and identify opportunities for improvement, or problems. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Carry out asset inspections according to procedures. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Explain and motivate opportunities for improvement. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Describe problems identified in the management of business unit assets. |
2. Develop and implement action plans to improve the efficiency of, or to correct problems in, the use of the assets of the business unit. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Develop based plans on an evaluation of the status of the assets and the effectiveness of their use. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Complete a capital budgeting in consideration of all factors. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Monitor and evaluate the implementation of plans and make adjustments to plans or process if required. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Quantify, evaluate and discuss the impact of the intervention in terms of the motivation for the change. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Optimise Use of assets within the framework of the business or business unit strategy. |
3. Manage and monitor the use of motor retail business unit assets. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Mark, maintain, locate and store assets are correctly. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Update the asset register for the business unit. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 3 Put in place procedures for the maintenance of fixed assets are in place and confirm that they are easily accessible and can be applied. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 Monitor assets are used in accordance with the manufacturers' specifications. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 5 Introduce procedures for the disposal of redundant assets. |
4. Analyse and interpret reports and present them to relevant stakeholders. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Review financial statements, apply appropriate financial ratios to check performance and take corrective action. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Interpret and present accurately, clearly and concisely the income, balance and cash flow statements. |
5. Discuss and explain issues related to managing the assets of a motor retail department. |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 1 Discuss issues to demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts and principles related to the management of assets and an understanding of how they relate to application in practice |
ASSESSMENT CRITERION 2 Illustrate concepts and issues by making use of examples experienced in the business or business unit. |
Examination/ Case Studies
Class tests/Assignments